Appreciation of poem " THE PULLEY "


The pulley

The title of the poem is ‘The pulley’. The poet is George Herbert.
    The central idea of the poem is the reason for man's continual restlessness all his life. According to the poet, this is because God with held the quality of rest from man, so that man's thoughts would ultimately turn towards God, his creator. Each verse of the poem has five lines.
The rhyme scheme of each verse is a-b-a-b-a.
    The chief figure of speech used in the poem is Metaphor. The 'glass of blessings' signifies the sum of all human qualities bestowed on man. The quality of 'rest' or 'Contentment' is implicitly compared to a ‘jewel’.
    This is a poem with a message. And the message is that however, rich we may be or whatever the abundance of qualities we may have, we must always turn our thougthts to God and thank him for the many blessings he has bestowed on us.
    My favourite line in this poem is 'Let him be rich and weary', This brings out the paradox of man 's nature so well. Even the richest man in the world finally gets tired and experiences discontentment. This is what God intended for man.
    I like this poem very much because it teaches me not to be self -satisfied and contented but to always remember and thank God for all his blessings he has bestowed on me.

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